Monday 17 April 2017

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! It has been a busy weekend, I have been part of a premier of a new Musical Theatre Show with my company as well as lots of work on my critical review and artefact. A focus of my inquiry is teamwork and the importance of building relationships in order to carry out productive rehearsals to produce  a successful performance. A reoccurring aspect of this that has appeared in my literature and several of my interviews has been rewarding hard work and bonding outside of the rehearsal environment.

I took this on board as the Easter weekend approached and purchased Easter eggs for the cast. They were presented with them the morning of their first opening night with the company. It worked well in creating a more relaxed atmosphere, the first night nerves were forgotten for a moment whilst they were presented with their egg! For a short while conversation went from steps and songs to what people's favourite chocolate was. It was a good reliever and the cast went into the next run through in a positive mood ... it also helped that later in the day when sugar levels and energy dropped there was chocolate to snack!

Everyone happily posed with their eggs to share with their family and friends back home .. and of course my BAPP peers!

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