Thursday 4 May 2017

A time for collaboration and reflection

It has been a busy few weeks, drawing together all the work I have done so far to produce my critical reflection. Within this time it has been so important to communicate with my peers and tutor. It was initially daunting to produce a piece of writing of that size. Keeping in touch with other students on the course through our blogs, Facebook group and private messages provided great reassurance and confidence. To be able to ask quick questions on structure, direction or complications made the writing process smoother. I have now handed in my draft of the critical reflection and received feedback from my tutor. I was able to arrange a tutorial for the end of last week that proved very useful. As well clearing up a few queries, talking through what I had learnt brought greater clarity to my ideas. I journalled the session and I think this will provide useful in my preparations for the oral presentation.

I am now putting together my professional artefact. This is a process that I am enjoying due to its creative side. I have worked and re-worked my ideas several times and have finalised on producing a digital handbook. I believe this format has the right balance between concept and content. I will be able to include all the relevant information and it will be easily accessible and recognisable to other practitioners in my field of work.

I began by producing a storyboard to create a visual representation of my ideas. This has made producing the handbook more efficient as I have been able to refer back to it at every stage. The storyboard is shown below. My next goal is to send my finished artefact to my tutor and peers for feedback. I will then work on this before the final hand in date next week.

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